Our Work

Creative Concepts

The Family Et al. Company is committed to exploring opportunities which both resonates with and benefits the communities we serve. Our approach is a culture and philosophy where people come together not to work but rather to create, re-shape, dream and re-think. From inspired thoughts being heard to new ideas being seen, all add up to more doors being opened.

Whether we are collaborating with allies, analyzing societal trends or simply listening directly to the voices of the people, our ultimate goal stems from the definition of mental health: pursuit of a reality where more individuals may realize his or her potentials, are able to cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and make positive contributions to their community.

Investing in people

We believe in the power of investing in people and that through such endeavors small private sector groups can positively aid community growth. To be successful we must accept that we exist in a continually changing world of overlapping realities and challenges so intimately linked, our efforts to address them must also be continually evolving.


As part of our bridge building, The Family Et al Company provides affordable support solutions to small businesses and small sized non-profit organizations. Our desire is by working together with small businesses/ organizations to reach more of their goals, that effort will forward more of the opportunities and benefits they desire to bring forth to the people in the communities we collectively serve.